The Sun has a lot of pages on their website including pages on sport, celebrities and television. This page is from their 'Bizarre' page which has funny and weird stories about celebrities.
This page is from their sports page. Again they include news and gossip about the more well known sport personalaties.
The Telegraph
This page is from The Telegraph's news page. This includes news about the more current affairs happening in the world and news to do with royalty and not really much about celebrities. Also when you go on to their news page it has another list of different news categories you can read about. The first few on the list are the world, politics and UK. The celebrity category is one of the last on the list showing that they know they have a certain audience to cater for and don't really find having stories about celebrities that important. Other options on their categories list are subjects such as finance and culture which you wouldn't find on The Sun's website as they both have two very different audiences.
This shot shows the finance page of The Telegraph. The finance page only comes up on broadsheet newspaper websites such as The Telegraph and The Guardian.
The Suffolk Free Press
The Suffolk Free Press is obviously a more local paper and therefore will only concentrate on more local news and will publish local information that people in that area need to know. This means that the layout on their website is slightly different from other more known newspapers.
This also means the other pages included on their website are different categories from more popular newspapers such as The Sun and The Telegraph. Their categories for different pages are more subjects that people in that area would want to read about such as news and community. The community category therefore indicates that this is obviously just going to be more information to do with that area because they're not going to post a community page about the whole county. When selecting the community category to view, it has options to look at pages such as announcements for birthdays and deaths which isn't going to be birthdays and deaths again for the whole county it would just be for that area for local people who may know the people who have announcements about them in the paper.